미국 특기자이민 EB1

탁월한 능력의 소유자, 저명한 교수나 연구원, 다국적 기업의 임원의 경우 노동허가 없이 영주권을 취득할 수 있는 카테고리입니다.
EB1 / NIW 변호사 상담 - E-mail : daum.attorney@gmail.com

온라인 상담


탁월한 능력의 소유자 - [Aliens of Extraordinary Abillty : EB-1A]

과학,예술,교육,사업 등의 분야에서 탁월한 능력을 인정받은 자이며 아래의 조건 10개중 3개이상을 충족하면 신청가능 합니다.


저명한 교수나 연구원 - [Outstanding Professor or Researchers : EB-1B]

학문분야에서 뛰어난 업적을 가진 자로 3년이상의 교육이나 연구 경력이 있어야 하며, 아래의 조건중 2개이상을 충족하여 미국내 대학이나 연구소 등의 JOB OFFER가 있으면 신청가능 합니다.


다국적 기업의 임원 또는 중역 - [Multinational Manger and Executive Transferees : EB-1C]

귀하는 회사 또는 법인이 최소 1 년 이상 청원서를 제출하기 전에 3 년 이내에 미국 이외의 지역에서 근무 했어야 하며, 귀하의 청원 고용주는 미국 고용주 여야 합니다. 고용주는 최소한 1 년 동안 계열사, 자회사 또는 해외에 고용 된 법인 또는 기타 법인으로 사업을 수행 했어야 합니다.

• 노동승인(PERM) 과정이 배제되어 수속기간이 빠릅니다. (취업이민 카테고리 중 빠른 분야)
• 자녀가 공립학교 무료교육 혜택을 받게 되며 주립대학교 입학 시 학비를 감면 받습니다.
• 자녀의 의과대학 진학이 가능합니다.
• 자녀가 장학금 및 학비 보조 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다.
• 거주지역에서 제한이 없습니다. [EB-1A]


1. 전국적으로 또는 국제적으로 인정 된 상을 받았고 그에 대한 수상 증거
2. 해당 분야의 협회 회원 자격 증명
3. 전문 또는 주요 무역 출판물 또는 기타 주요 매체에서 귀하에 관한 출판물의 증거
4. 개별적으로 나 공식적으로 다른 사람의 업적이나 직업 기술 등등에 관해 심사해 주도록 요청을 받았다는 증거
5. 해당 분야에 대해 기여 했다는 증거 (과학, 기술, 학술, 예술, 체육 또는 비즈니스 등등)
6. 출판물이나 기타 주요 매체(신문, TV, 잡지 등)에서 학술 논문의 저자임을 입증 하거나 출연이나 기고한 증거
7. 작품이 예술 전시회 등에 전시되었다는 증거
8. 조직 이나 소속된 곳에서 중요한 역할을 했다는 성과에 대한 증거
9. 다른 사람들과 비교하여 높은 급여 또는 기타 상당한 보수를 받는다는 증거
10. 공연 예술에서의 상업적 성공의 증거

Alien of Extraordinary Ability (EB-1A) Requirements

An Alien of Extraordinary Ability, or EB-1A, classification applies to aliens who can demonstrate that they "have risen to the very top of their field of endeavor." Such candidates may apply for EB1A petition without a labor certification or a job offer (i.e. an employer’s sponsorship). Any alien living in the U.S. or abroad may apply if he/she meets the following requirements:
1. Alien has extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim.
2. Alien’s achievements have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation.

To establish that the alien is a top member within his/her respective field, evidence of receipt of an internationally recognized award such as the Nobel Prize or an Academy Award is accepted. However, in the absence of an internationally recognized award, the alien can establish him/herself as an Alien of Extraordinary Ability by providing documentation of any three (3) of the following:
1. Receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence.
2. Membership in associations which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in their fields.
3. Published material in professional/major trade publications or major media about the alien and relating to the alien's work field.
4. Participation as a judge (individually or as a part of a panel) evaluating the work of others.
5. Original scientific, scholarly, or artistic contributions of major significance.
6. Authorship of scholarly articles in professional journals or other major media.
7. Artistic exhibitions/shows.
8. Leading role within an organization/establishment with a distinguished reputation.
9. High salary/compensation for services in comparison to others.
10. Commercial success within the performing arts, as shown by either box office receipt figures or cassette, compact disk, video, or DVD sales figures. The alien must also show that his/her admittance into the United States will substantially benefit the United States in the future.

In addition to the above criteria, the alien must prove that he/she will continue to pursue work in the area of extraordinary ability in the U.S. and prove that his/her work is of substantial and prospective benefit to U.S. national interest. Procedurally, the EB-1A is an I-140 Emigration Petition, Petition for Alien Worker application. The alien may petition for him/herself by filing Form I-140 with supporting documentation that demonstrate that the alien meets fundamental EB1A criteria. The petition is one of the fastest ways to obtain a Green Card. An EB-1A candidate may petition for his/her own permanent residency without the need for an employer sponsor, as is generally required in employment-based petitions.

Outstanding Researcher or Professor (EB-1B) Requirements

An "Outstanding Researcher or Professor" EB-1B immigrant visa is for aliens who are internationally recognized as outstanding in a particular scientific or scholarly field. Unlike self-petitioned EB-1A cases, EB-1B cases are employer sponsored. This means the petitioning employer must demonstrate that the alien has outstanding ability as a researcher or professor and has a permanent job offer from the employer. The outstanding researcher/professor alien must have the sponsorship of his/her employer throughout the petitioning process. The employer is the petitioner and the outstanding researcher/professor is the beneficiary for the EB-1B process.

There are three (3) main requirements for someone seeking a petition as an "Outstanding Researcher/Professor", including:
• International recognition for being outstanding in a specific academic field;
• At least three years of relevant research or teaching experience: Research or teaching experience obtained while in pursuit of an advanced degree, such as a Ph.D., can be counted toward the three year requirement, but only if the alien has acquired the degree, and if the teaching duties were such that he or she had full responsibility for the class taught or if the research conducted toward the degree has been recognized within the academic field as outstanding. The alien must document his or her work history with letters from current and/or former employers describing work duties and years of employment; and
• A job offer for a permanent research position or a tenured or tenure-track teaching position from the sponsoring employer: Generally, the job offer is given by a university or other similar academic or scientific institution, but it can also be offered by a private employer. If the offer is from a private employer, the employer must have at least three full-time researchers along with accompanying documentation supporting their accomplishments within the field.

Managers and Executive Transferees (EB-1C)

The EB-1C immigrant category is among the other various visas in the First Preference category. A First Preference Emigration Petition (EB-1) is an employment-based petition for permanent residence reserved for those who are among the most capable and accomplished in their respective fields within the arts, sciences, education, business, or sports. Immigrant visa numbers are immediately available under the EB-1 category. The first preference category is allotted 40,000 annual immigrant visas. To obtain an EB-1 status, the beneficiary may apply for Adjustment of Status, if they are already in the United States, or through consular processing at a U.S. consular office abroad.

A specific employment-based immigrant preference category (EB-1C) was created for managers and executives who meet the L-1A non-immigrant standards and are interested in becoming lawful permanent residents. L1-A status is offered to those intercompany executive or managerial transferees that will be coming to the United States only temporarily. Therefore, the major difference between L-1A and EB-1C is the permanent nature of the EB-1C visa. Although L-1A status is not a prerequisite for immigrant benefits in this category, an immigrant petitioner will have a stronger case for the EB-1C immigrant category if they were in L-1A status prior. However, we have successfully worked with many clients who have applied for EB-1C status without ever having obtained L-1A status.

The EB-1C visa is a good way for small or start-up overseas companies to expand their business and services to the United States. This is advantageous to smaller companies because its allows for the transfer of a highly proficient manager or executive employee who has direct knowledge of the company’s operations, allowing the setup of a new branch in compliance with the goals and objectives of the company’s main office.

DAUM Emigration Corporation

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